Monday, May 08, 2006

SS Werewolves; Waffen SS Guerilla Warfare Manual

One of the newest books to be available at this week…

SS Werewolves
Waffen SS Guerilla Warfare Manual

Edited by Breaker McCoy

Towards the end of WW2, a movement began, which lasted through 1946. At night, the woods and concrete canyons of Germany echoed with the howl of wolves. The Waffen SS created a guerrilla warfare organization known as the Werewolves. The Werewolves combined Waffen SS élan with the latest guerrilla warfare methods from Russia. For over a year, Werewolves conducted guerrilla warfare of assassination, ambush and raid. Although the Werewolves were small in number, their guerrilla warfare success heaped new honor on the Waffen SS.

What follows is an excerpt of a Waffen SS manual for the German Werewolf guerilla movement. The entire book, as translated, is quite large and complete with detailed instructions regarding every aspect of guerilla warfare. The material selected for the following document covers some of the most important and or interesting aspects of the Werewolf guerilla operations. The material is directly translated from the German but efforts have been made to smooth out the English translation into a user-friendly exposition.


  1. Formation of the Werewolves
  2. Passage of Enemy Lines
  3. Selection of Targets for Destruction and Combat
  4. The March, Moving in the Guerilla Area
  5. Checkpoints for Planning
  6. Interdiction Operations
  7. Ambush
  8. Werewolf Raids
  9. Werewolf Disengagement
  10. Security of the Rest Area
  11. Protection Against Counter Measures

Look for the release of this book May 11, 2006


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