Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Special Ops, Violence of Action

The modern US Army Special Forces is the best in the world.

The US Navy SEALs and the US Army Delta Force are both far less competent special operations organizations than Special Forces. These differences are amazing, considering the fact that left-wing interests with insidious subversion in mind have partially co-opted part of the Army’s special forces groups into silly “peace keeping” functions that could be performed by less well-trained and valuable troops.

Do not forget, however, that the left has involved a percentage of the Army’s Special Forces in training foreign armies, baby sitting foreign tyrants, “nation building”, and military diplomacy in order to simultaneously divert highly trained special forces troops into dead-end time wasters and sap America’s elite by bleeding it of its war fighting psychology by turning it into peace-keeping, butt-licking sheep. Doom to the fool who thinks there is anything defensive about Special Ops.

Other serious incursions by the left into America’s armed forces, with the same goals of nullifying the force, includes the idiotic imposition of exaggerated rules of engagement and embedded journalists who act as politically correct commissars spying on military commanders and conspiring to penalize them for any effective war-like tendencies.

This blog subscribes to the same special operations principles and outlook as the British Special Air Services (SAS), Richard Marcinko (former SEAL leader and best-selling author), and the US Army Special Forces Troops describes by Robin Moore in his best-selling book “The Hunt for Bin Laden”.

We are guided by those principles as our framework for understanding as we investigate and report on salient Special Forces activities of British and American Special Operations Forces from 1940 to present times.

We emphasize the human being and his brain as the most dangerous weapon on the battlefield. We have no real respect for high-tech weaponry and computerized micro-managed systems, or even screaming trainers who think that loud “hoo-hah” bellowing can substitute for lethal effectiveness. If any new invention is soldier friendly, and operable after being dug out from 3 feet of mud, and helps increase the tempo of effective violence of action, then we are for it! If it does not meet such tests, then we advocate its quick demise.

If you want to have some fun, join us in this explosive adventure. The explosions you hear will leave a taste of cordite in your soft palate, but your ears won’t be insulted by some screaming Neanderthal.


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