Friday, May 05, 2006

Special Ops Continual Mop-Up – Africa

Some of the most successful special operations missions were conducted by the SAS in Africa. See more in the book Secrets of the SAS.
Also, see Parade Grounds of the Dead, the story of the Rhodesian War.

Meanwhile, political turbulence and war are still a way of life in the former African colonies. But, the question is…

Why Has the American Media Suppressed The True Story?

As usual, the American public is being denied many facts that will affect their future.
However, once we have summoned the courage and force of will to report that which so many fear, to even speak of, our responsibility is not consummated. Once an evil is identified, it must be fought against with the passion of the righteous.

When America's leftist, biased media reports stories about Africa, the tale is structured with a much-repeated formula. With great sympathy and lots of pictures of starving, fly-blown African children, American media blames all of Africa's problems on white racism.

American leftist media always overlooks the fact that the depredations of thousands of drug crazed African murder gangs, the hundreds of daily ritual murders, widespread AIDs/HIV pandemics, inter-tribal slavery and a list of barbarity that would make a serial killer cringe, are the work of native Africans.

The reality of African barbarity is an ignored reality because the inhumanity displayed by many African people throughout the world, goes unreported and uncriticized. To allow such crimes against humanity to flourish without criticism is to share in its depravity. Where is the outrage?
Are there many Africans who are not guilty of the barbarity described here? If you are curious about that, why don't you dig out some facts for yourself? You won't find the truth in America's leftist media.

Although American leftist media refuses to tell the public what is really going on in Africa, there are sources available on the Internet. For example, always maintains an up to date archive of at least 35 international reports on African ritual murders. Following are examples of those reports:

Freetown - A Sierra Leonean court sentenced a 70-year-old man to death on Wednesday for the ritual murder of a seven-year-old boy whose heart and other organs were removed.
Ritual killings or human sacrifices to local deities are customary in parts of West Africa, where some people commission killings to obtain body parts for magic spells to gain political power and influence.

Barely one month after the conviction in the United Kingdom of a Nigerian, Kingsley Ojo for the brutal murder of a five-year-old boy named Adam, police in the Republic of Ireland are questioning two men arrested in Dublin in connection with the murder of the daughter of Malawi's chief justice.

A confidential report into the sacrifice and abuse of children at African churches describes how pastors are profiting from the trafficking of black boys into Britain.
Uncircumcised boys are being smuggled into the country for human sacrifice by fundamentalist sects whose members believe that their ritual killing will enhance spells.

America now has its own African murder gangs thanks to criminal immigration policies. You will be hearing from them in the near future.

And, the current African crisis (Darfur) of the moment is really no different. Why doesn’t George Clooney form a counter-genocide brigade made up exclusively of left-wing Hollywood celebrities? That is one outrageous war the public would enjoy watching on TV.
When the media dust settles on a politician’s desk, who will end up dealing with the genocidal nightmare du jour? A special ops group going in to save those who will be the next political tyrants?


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