Monday, April 17, 2006

Success of SpecOps Should Be Increased

Since the Muslim imperialists and their domestic leftist allies stabbed America in the back on 9-11, there has been a massive increase in US Military Special Operations Troops. That is a very wise thing to do, because as US Army Special Forces proved in Afghanistan in the fall and winter of 2001, a hundred US Army Special Forces troops can easily defeat a hundred thousand muslim fanatics. Yes, that’s what happened in Afghanistan.

Because of that amazing feat of arms by special operators and the fact that Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, is the first competent Secretary of Defense we have had in decades, the Special Operations forces have been increasing geometrically.

Such expansion usually is felt by those special forces organizations that are the least competent. The US Navy SEALs, since they have been ethnically cleansed of Richard Marcinko and several other highly competent operators, are showing great weakness.

Special Warfare expert Richard Marcinko has explained the effect of the dramatic growth of Special Warfare on the SEALs: “…it has also meant more bureaucracy. More layers of management. More conventional thinking applied to unconventional warfare, .,,Worst of all, hordes of unqualified officers---admin pukes…intel weenies, and Academy-educated ticket punchers—are elbowing their way into Navt Specwar because of the rapid advancement potential, the increased visibility, and the larger budgets. The officers they displace are operators—the hunters who don’t give a damn about anything but getting the job done…SpecWar’s rapid growth has also led to paralysis---and worse. It has led to endemic butt-covering. Today, for example, there is such a convoluted chain of command that SpecWar units—which were designed as quick-reaction teams—cannot in fact react quickly. There are so many “May I?”’s that have to get asked, so many forms to be signed, so many rules of engagement that have to be explained, that the bad guys escape before the SEALs are wheels up.”

For an interesting description of how the left sabotaged special forces and SOG during the Vietnam War, read the books: American Vietnam War Traitors and Moles and Amateurs, available at


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