Monday, April 24, 2006

A Story the Media Overlooked

Right after 9-11, President George Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld met with top military generals. They demanded revenge for the massacre of 3,000 American citizens, and Osama bin Laden’s head on a stake. All the armed forces said they weren’t ready, and couldn’t be ready for months.

Then the Green Berets stepped forward. They said, “Sir, we are ready to send 100 men into Afghanistan immediately”, and (we) will wipe out the 60,000 Muslim fanatics located there, including the Taliban, al Quaeda, and Arab psychopaths. At first, the conventional US generals began to quibble. They were overruled by Bush and Rumsfeld.

In Oct 2001, Task Force Dagger began to deploy to Afghanistan in 9 groups. They were going there to use the Northern Alliance Muslims against the Arabs, al Qaeda and Taliban Muslims.

Less than two months later those 100 Special Forces heroes were standing on the corpses of over 40,000 Muslim terrorists, and they seized every city in Afghanistan.

Their feat of arms was greater than any armed force in history, including the elite hard-fighting soldiers of the German Army in World War 2, and even the sacred bands of Alexander the Great.

The heroes of the Special Forces came to bring justice and revenge to the Muslim enemy. Task Force Dagger unleashed hell onto the Taliban and al Qaeda just 5 weeks after 9-11. They were hunting Osama bin Laden, and several times almost got his head, but conventional generals interfered and prevented it.
They weren’t there to hand out the millions of dollars the CIA usually gave out when they were trying to win the support of foreigners; they brought iron professionalism. Before they left Afghanistan, Task Force Dagger, along with members of the New York police and fire department, buried pieces of the World Trade Center in the perverse Afghani soil. Surrounding them on every far horizon was smoke rising from hundreds of burning fires of Muslim terrorist camps, cities and fortified positions. In the meantime, the US media virtually ignored what the Special Forces had done in Afghanistan.

There are many titles on that deal with aspects of Anti-Terrorism. There will be some books on this particular subject available soon at .


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